Thursday, May 23, 2013

A urine test predict the gender
A urine test predict the gender

There are several ways in which you can determine the sex of your baby. A baby gender test is one of them. Of course, ultrasounds are the most widely used. It is important to note that pregnant women are discouraged from using ultrasounds with the sole purpose of finding out the sex of the baby. So yes, when you do an ultrasound the OBGYN overseeing the screening test will also be able to tell you the sex of your baby but the main point of ultrasonography is to ensure a healthy development of the child rather than to determine gender.

Baby gender testing using Maternal Urine

It is possible to know the sex of the unborn baby at just 9 weeks of pregnancy. Before this type of test required a tiny sample of maternal blood taken by pricking the tip of the expectant mother's finger. Nowadays, those squeamish mothers can determine the sex of their unborn baby by providing a urine sample for a DNA test. Scientists can know the sex of the unborn baby because of the fragments of fetal chromosomes that find their way into the maternal blood stream; when the blood gets cleansed in the kidneys, the baby's DNA gets washed out with the urine. A Highly advanced DNA amplification and replication technique known as polymerase chain reaction is then used to analyze the fetal DNA in the maternal urine sample and confirm the sex of the baby.

DNA analysis will confirm presence of Y chromosome fragments in the expectant mother's urine only is she is expecting a baby boy. If scientists do not detect any Y chromosomes in the urine sample provided, then it is certain the baby will be a girl.

Why do couples expecting a baby do baby gender DNA testing?

You can begin sharing the excitement and anticipation of deciding on clothes to buy and names to choose using a baby gender test. Being able to know the sex of your baby at just 9 weeks means making early preparations for the birth of the child and quashing curiosity and random guesses regarding what sex the baby might be.

The sample collection is always simple but all the more so because you will generally be provided with a kit with which to collect your samples. The kit will contain a urine specimen cup, a special solution to preserve your urine and some forms which will need to be filled out by whoever is requesting the test.

The test with urine is highly accurate. The test provides you with a result that is 99% certain. This is not in any way to say that using a blood sample does not provide you with accurate results. The level of accuracy for a baby gender test using maternal blood is a bit lower- around 95% in fact. However, the inconvenience of finger pricking does stand out.

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